SMRM - Young Scientist Award

SMRM - Young Scientist Award


SMRM institutes the Young Scientist Awards (SMRM-YSA) to recognize the quality of the PhD work in the field of Mitochondria in Biology and Medicine. Selection for the award is based on the scientific merit of the work. The two best candidates will be awarded with a medal, certificate and cash prize. All the shortlisted candidates are eligible for registration fee waiver and accommodation waiver. The award will be subject to an oral presentation at the SMRM-YSA session during the annual SMRM meeting. Awards will be declared and presented at the concluding ceremony of the annual meeting.

Applicants must be less than 35 years of age by 31 st December for every annual conferences. An age proof certificate and a letter from PhD guide, certifying that the work submitted for SMRM-YSA is of part of his/her PhD work, must be submitted along with the application.

Number of awards: Two

Award presentation: SMRM Young Scientist Award

The award carries a medal, certificate, registration waiver, accommodation waiver and prize money of Rs. 5000 (first) and Rs. 3000 (second) in the order of merit.

Criteria for selection

The candidate should be a member of SMRM. If the candidate is not a member, he/she can apply along with the submission of his/her SMRM-YSA application.

The applicant should submit the following through email to “”,

  1. Completed application form
  2. Brief write-up about the research work (maximum 5 pages), including; Introduction, Objective, Methodology, Result, Discussion and Conclusion
  3. Evidence of date of birth
  4. Brief biodata (not exceeding 4 pages)
  5. Reprints of all published papers and
  6. A letter from the mentor stating that the paper presented contains the applicant’s PhD work only. The paper submitted must be the result of sole/major work done by the candidate. Kindly submit the application form in the format given below.

Among the submitted applications for the young scientist award, a maximum of 5 best applicants in order of merit will be selected for presentation in the Annual SMRM meeting. Selection will be done by the committee of experts duly constituted by the SMRM. The committee of experts evaluating the oral presentation of YSA will be constituted by EC, SMRM .

Candidates, recommended for consideration for the awards, are required to present their papers at the Annual Meeting of the SMRM. The presentation is for 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes of discussion.

If a submission not selected as one among top five submissions in order of merit, it might be allowed for presentation as a poster.

The decision of the SMRM regarding the Awards is final.

The award will be presented during the concluding ceremony of the Annual meeting of SMRM.

Candidates, recommended for consideration for the awards, are required to present their papers at the Annual Meeting of the SMRM. The presentation is for 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes of discussion.

If a submission not selected as one among top five submissions in order of merit, it might be allowed for presentation as a poster.

The decision of the SMRM regarding the Awards is final.

The award will be presented during the concluding ceremony of the Annual meeting of SMRM.

Application form for SMRM Young Scientist Award

Name and Address
* Date of Birth
Institution where work was carried out
Email ID
Telephone No
Mobile No
Research Experience
** Papers Published
Number of Reprints
*** Name and Email ID of the Supervisor
Are you a member of SMRM Yes/No
Membership Number

* Enclose attested copy of one of the following: Birth Certificate/ SSLC/HSC/CBSE marks card

** Enclose all the reprints copy

*** Letter from Supervisor, stating that the work submitted for SMRM-YSA is the PhD work of the applicant

All correspondences should be made to: The Secretary, Society for Mitochondrial Research and Medicine(SMRM)- India. Email: